Us Greekers

Us Greekers
Brian & I at the Rio-Antirio Bridge

Monday, November 17, 2008

1st Game against Panionios

This Saturday Brian finally had his first official league match!  Luckily for me it was a home game and they played the second best team in the league, Panionios.  All the boys have been anticipating this day for almost three months now!  I also have been anxiously waiting for the season to start.  The two Slovakian player's girlfriends are here so the three of us (and Marco) went to coffee before the game while the boys were together gearing up for the match.  I drove us to the pool and hesitantly brought the puppy, but it turned out fine, nobody said anything (at least not to my face) and he was quiet and well-behaved the whole match.  

The game started out great.  The first quarter Brian's team was up two goals.  Brian played an aggressive defense and got kicked out twice in the first quarter but he scored an amazing goal.  After that though they seemed to get a little disorganized and started to get scored on.  They ended up losing 11-13 but against the second best team in the league it proves that they can hold their own!  Brian scored two great goals and I think the overall attitude after the game was relief that they didn't get their butts kicked and an elevated sense of capability.  I think it was a great way to start off the season.  They definitely have the ability to beat this team and I think they will prove this the next time around!

It is getting MUCH colder here AND we don't have our heat turned on yet.  I heard that there has to be three cold days in a row before they turn the heat on in the buildings.  I think this is the third day of what I consider cold so I hope they turn the heat on soon!  I sit in the house in my winter coat.  Especially since we have to leave the door open so that Marco will go potty outside (even though he is still struggling a bit at this skill).  He is getting much better at being on the leash and we have taken him out a couple of times to run around and get some exercise.  After about 20mins he tires out though, a little running goes a long way for a little pup.  We even left him home alone today for the first time, for about 2hrs, and when we came home there was no evidence of a panic attack so that was great news!  So far he has been great!

Next weekend Brian travels to Athens for his next game.  This week we are just staying warm and playing with our new toy, Marco.  He is lots of fun :=).

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