Us Greekers

Us Greekers
Brian & I at the Rio-Antirio Bridge

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Weekend in Athens & Beginning of Carnival

(Ian, Elsie, Me, Brian, Nina & Lauren)

Here are some pictures of the main square in Patras, Plateia Georgiou, now that Carnival has officially started.  It started last weekend and the stage and statues were set up for an event we missed because we were in Athens.  Carnival lasts about a month and includes a host of minor events leading up to a wild weekend at the end of Feb. that consists of costume parades, colourful floats and lots of celebration.

Elsie is the American here playing for the women's team of NEP.  Her boyfriend is in town for the month visiting and his sister plays for a professional team in Glyfada.  Her name is Lauren and both she and Elsie went to these past Olympics in Beijing and won a silver medal!  Well Ian, Elsie and I drove to Athens on Saturday to follow Brian and see his game against Faliro.  It was quite the adventure since none of us had ever driven there on our own and weren't exactly sure how to get there.  Elsie volunteered to drive, since she knew the roads, having traveled it many times with her team.  I wasn't about to let Ian drive since he is just visiting and doesn't know what he's getting himself into driving here.  I think I emasculated him a bit but he had to get over it :-).  Elsie was a very responsible driver and I felt very comfortable with her behind the wheel.  We made it to Athens successfully but finding Faliro and the pool was quite a challenge.  We followed a few signs and stopped to ask a few Greeks and literally by a small miracle stopped at a gas station that was owned completely by an English family.  I got out of the car to ask directions, preparing myself for a gas attendent to look blankly at my face after I spoke English but when I asked the women if she spoke any english she said in PERFECT english, yes, I speak it very well, haha.  So luckily they pointed us in the right direction with specific details and we made it to the pool after 3hrs, a few frantic moments and only having missed the first quarter.  When we arrived the boys were up by one goal but as we seated Faliro scored to tie the game.  That's how most of the game went, and I really thought NOP would win but just with a few seconds left on the clock Faliro scored to tie the game 9-9.  Oh well, they still gain a point for a tie and so they are up to 6th place!  There is supposed to be a game tomorrow against Hercules but we just learned that thousands of farmers are on strike in Northern Greece and have planted their tractors in the middle of the National Roads so no one can get through so we don't know if the team is going to be able to make it down for the game and they might have to reschedule.  It would be a real bummer.  Leave it to the Greeks.

On Sat. night Lauren took us to the BEST dinner.  It was in a very simple cafe and they ordered us Beafsteaki (sp?) and they brought them out on wax paper covered in potatoes (french fries).  It was so delicious and we devoured them.  I tried not to keep up since Ian and I were the only non-professional athletes at the table and I especially did not need as much as everyone else!  After dinner we went to an Irish pub called Mollys and enjoyed ourselves like true Americans with lots of beer and games!  It was one of the best nights I have had since being here.  Lauren was kind enough to let us crash at her apt. and the next day we slept in and had another fabulous meal and then took it easy because she had practice the next morning early.  On Mon. we cooked breakfast and then drove home.  It was a great weekend!  Oh and Marco was with us, the trooper that he is, the whole time and everyone just fell in love with him.  

Yesterday Ian, Elsie, Brian and I went to this really cool Beer Factory here in Patras that Brian and I had driven by many times and had been wanting to check out.  The bar was really nice and we will definitely be going back!

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