Us Greekers

Us Greekers
Brian & I at the Rio-Antirio Bridge

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Souvlaki BBQ Day

(Our orchid that we have had for 5 months and that Brian takes care of.  It is beautiful and he is so proud it has lived this long, as am I!)

Today is a magnificent day.  Today most of the cafes and restaurants have barbecues outside of their establishments and are barbecuing slouvaki.  You see bbq smoke filling the air and the smell permeates the city and makes your mouth water.  I met Brian at a coffee shop after his morning practice and as Marco and I walked there he was going crazy, I think from the smells as we passed bbq after bbq.  After our coffee, and a few games of Tavuli (sp?) (Backgammon for us Americans) we walked home and stopped and got a kebab on our way.  It was AMAZING.  They dip the kebab in oil and sprinkle salt on it and it is perfect.  Jozef gave Marco his last little bit off of the stick and Marco lost his mind I think :-).  Tonight we are going to the restaurant where Brian gets his free meals to celebrate the day and eat a lot more kebabs, I hope!  Honestly though, I don't know what the celebration is for or the meaning behind it.  All I know is the Greek name for the day translated into English means "Barbecue smelling Thursday."  Can't get much better then that.  Kind of like the 4th of July!  Too bad it's so cold and rainy here now -- so not like the 4th of July.

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