Us Greekers

Us Greekers
Brian & I at the Rio-Antirio Bridge

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Yesterday was pretty uneventful.  Brian has Mon. mornings off from practice so we went to get a coffee (and see if we could find brkfst anywhere, no luck).  We went for coffee at a cafe in a shopping area that has cafes, a GIANT children's/baby/toy store and a movie theater.  We went to the movies last week and the movie theater is actually REALLY nice.  They had the most comfortable chairs and all of the candy you could want from a self-serving candy station, it was awesome.  We saw WANTED with Angelina Jolie, you should ask Brian what the guys here call her.  Let's just say they are big fans, not to mention I've noticed that women aren't exactly respected here the same way they are back home, but I guess that is nothing new in Europe.  The strangest thing happened though, right in the middle of the movie, just as I was getting into it, the screen went black.  Brian and I both went, oh no, it broke.  But the lights came on, everyone gingerly got up, some went to have a cigarette, others to the bathroom.  Apparently they have intermissions here at every movie.  We just thought that was stupid.  Oh well, what do we know.

I wanted to share with you my kitchen appliances in the pictures above.  I think my aspirations to become a gourmet Greek chef have been destroyed :-(.  As you can see, Greeks do not have the same "super size" mentality that us Americans have.  Not everything has to be bigger and better, just cheaper.  The "stove" actually works fine (we didn't know what to do with it so we propped it on a chair).  The refrigerator, on the other hand, is not just small but it is also old and barely closes so we heard a rumor that we will be getting another one of those (probably same size) but I don't believe it until I see it.  You never really know what you're going to get here, I've realized.  I'm learning to live with it.  On a brighter note, Emanuela (the other girl in the picture below with us) invited me over to her house last night (after our workout) for dinner.  It was so sweet of her and we had the best dinner.  Ema, Kate and I just devoured our food, but it was comforting to be able to just relax and eat with friends the way I am used to, haha.  Her mom cooked us chicken and steaks and potatoes and broiled green pumpkin (sounds weird but was pretty good) and hard boiled eggs (first egg I've had since I've been here) and Ema made a delicious salad.  For dessert we had little ice creams on a stick dipped in chocolate.  Everything was perfect.  After that we sat in her room, played on the Internet while she gave a fashion show, haha, it felt just like home!

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