Us Greekers

Us Greekers
Brian & I at the Rio-Antirio Bridge

Monday, September 15, 2008

Sorry I haven't written anything in a few days.  We broke our Internet stick.  My computer fell off of the couch, oops.  Well I am back!  This picture is of a frappe, or "frappedaki" as Kate calls them.  Greeks have at least one a day.  They are basically iced coffee with blended milk and sugar.  They are pretty good, but I mostly drink them because everyone else does, haha.  I don't think Brian really likes them so much.  

Yesterday we went to Billy's house to celebrate his mother's name day birthday.  Here they have days that celebrate certain names.  Like the first week we were here it was Alexander day, so Brian enjoyed that.  It is basically like a birthday celebration, people bring you gifts etc.  We should definitely pick up this tradition back home.  Billy's mom cooked tons of food, it was so nice to have us over for their family celebration.  After that we went to a beach called Poco Poco b/c they were celebrating the last day of summer.  It is a really cool place, a bar and restaurant on the beach.  It was definitely a celebration.  Lots of drinking and sunbathing.  They had a special guest, an entertainer guy who Billy calls a "sissy girl" so... you can imagine.  He had on an interesting outfit, red cowboy hat and everything and was dancing and singing on the bar when we got there (and of course I did not have a camera with me!).  He eventually walked around dragging his microphone chord singing and flirting with the boys.  I think he especially liked the water polo players with their shirts off.  Brian was just uncomfortable.  The entertainer guy even took a picture with us as we were leaving, I guess he liked us.  

Poco Poco was right on the money as far as naming the last day of summer.  Today we had our first thunder storm.  Unlike the ones in California, the thunder actually shakes the ground.  The rain has started.  I have heard there is not really a Fall here....there is a summer and then there is a winter.  So I guess here comes the winter.  We will now get to see what the indoor clubs and restaurants look like, can't wait!

1 comment:

Diana Cooper said...

Hi Sweetie,
Sounds like you are having a very interesting and fun experience in Greece. I sure hope we can come visit you in the Spring.
You must be looking forward to having Anita visit you. Are you going to be able to travel while she's there?
Keep writing! Miss you.
Say hi to Brian.
Dee Dee