Us Greekers

Us Greekers
Brian & I at the Rio-Antirio Bridge

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Athens for H20 polo

This blog is going to have to be a two-parter because we did so much this weekend!  And because our Internet has been down so I am at Starbucks right now trying to put my 6 Euros worth of Internet to use.  Brian left on Friday for Athens to play some "friendly" games and scrimmages against a couple of teams there.  Luckily Fotis was following them up on Saturday and offered to take me along, I jumped at the opportunity!  So he picked me up at 8am and we were off on our mini-roadtrip.  He is quite the entertainer so the drive with him was full of laughs and not too many death defying road maneuvers.  I was exhausted by the time we got to the first pool and had one too many cups of coffee in response.  The athletes were tired as well and their first game was a little messy but they managed to win 12-11.  Afterwards we had to kill time before their next scrimmage against Vougliameni so we had lunch at their hotel and then headed to a coffee shop, what else?  The pictures above are from the coffee shop looking across the water towards Vougliameni's pool.  The area is beautiful, one of the upper scale suburbs of Athens.  There were many windsurfers in the water and after our 9 Euro coffees we were snapped back into reality and headed off to the pool.  Vougliameni's pool is beautiful as well, as you can see.  The water is this cartoonish blue and it is right on the water so when you are sitting in the stands it feels as if you are floating over it.  The boys played better but were still tired nonetheless and impressively won by 1 goal, Brian scoring 3/5 of them.  After the game, and a quick chat with Tim Hutten  who plays for vougliameni, we jumped in our cars to begin the 2hr journey back to Patra.  We were all so exhausted I was sure we were  going to all pass out but after a quick pit stop to eat we found some new energy and began a dance party in the car.  By the time we got into Patra I think we were a little delirious.  We were dancing and singing and at a red light Bull (nickname of a player on Brian's team) even jumped out of the car and gave his own personal dance performance in the street for the cars stopped.  It was a fun way to end the trip :-).

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