Us Greekers

Us Greekers
Brian & I at the Rio-Antirio Bridge

Sunday, October 5, 2008

What to say

Last night was a nice dinner with Maria and her friend Olga.  I was finally feeling up to being out on the town (which I tribute mainly to the chicken soup Brian made me from scratch, AMAZING) so I was excited to meet them at Psilalonia.  We were planning on going to this bar called Bara rara that Brian goes to a lot with his team for coffee but they were already full with reservations at 9:30pm (very early here for a Sat. night).  So instead we walked down to this adorable street (I don't know the name) that is lined with cute outdoor cafes.  I was tricked by the look of the weather from my windows and I dressed for winter but as I discovered it was actually really warm out.  I was happily ready to sit outside when I saw Maria and Olga discussing and looking up into the black sky.  I glanced up, saw blackness, glanced to them and suggested we sit?  They said, no, we think it's going to rain.  I glanced back up again into the black pit of the sky and I said, oh really?  How do you know?  Maria said, see how the sky is kind of red.  I looked again, and sure enough, red.  Wow, they are good weather people here.  So we sat at a table that was technically outside but in reach of an overhang to protect us from the impending rain.  After a nice mellow dinner, sure enough, I was startled out of my seat with a bolt of lightning.  Me being the CA girl that I am I was ready to jump under the table, can't you get electrocuted being outside!?  No one else made the plunge so I held my seat.  To my cruel enjoyment it started to pour and all of the people who were not weather experts and who did sit outside had to rush under the awning, practically in our laps, grabbing what they could, wine glasses, salads, bread bowls.  I found it quite entertaining.  I didn't want to be rude so I waited until no one was looking then snapped this photo above of the table that had just been filled with young 20 somethings moments before the downpour.  They managed to throw their salad and bread bowl onto a chair at our table.  I of course was thinking of the poor restaurant that was going to have to reimburse these people with all of their dishes, but no one seemed to care too much and they waited around until there was a table undercover available for them.  And just in Greek character the rain ended a few minutes later and the red sky disappeared.  

Brian's team won their game today.  He said it was ugly but I say a win is a win!  They play one more and then he heads home tonight.  I, once again, am entertaining myself with the computer.  I was supposed to go to coffee with Kate but I think she is not going to show.  I was also supposed to go to a movie with Maria but she ended up having work to do.  Some people actually have responsibilities I guess ;-).  Instead I am deep conditioning my hair :-).   

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