Us Greekers

Us Greekers
Brian & I at the Rio-Antirio Bridge

Saturday, October 4, 2008

It's a wet one here in Patra

Finally after two days of a nasty cold and bed rest I finally feel better.  Then Brian goes and leaves me home alone for two days to play in a tournament in Vougliameni ;-).  I was planning on going to watch the tournament but all of the girlfriends backed out.  I don't think anyone wants to drive to Athens.  Oh well, it's a bummer but I understand.  So today I had to entertain myself but just as I was about to go for a walk the rain clouds came and it started to POUR.  I've learned that here it pours, thunder and lightning, and acts all menacing for about 15min. and then it stops and the sun reappears.  By then though I was over my walk, scared that midway through the scary clouds would come back, so I stayed home.  The computer is quite entertaining when utilized but I've decided that I need to be more pro-active in finding other things to do, especially when Brian is away.  Tonight Maria and I are going to dinner, thank god for that!  

As far as Brian's tournament goes, I can't write much about it since I wasn't there.  All I heard from Brian is that they lost their first game to NEP 9-5 (grrrrrr).  I am sure we will be hearing lots about that back home here in Patra.  Their second game was against Tim Hutten's team but this time they lost by 1 goal.  Brian didn't seem worried since it is a pre-season game and they were expecting them to get better, but I think they still should have won!  They are all tired because their coach is working them to the bone.  Brian is always optimistic and I think he sees all their potential.  Tomorrow they play two games against teams they haven't played yet, so we'll see how they do!

Miss everyone back home!  XOXO

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