Us Greekers

Us Greekers
Brian & I at the Rio-Antirio Bridge

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Birthday Party

Cristo, Bull, Mihaeles, Fotis, Panos

the cute couple :-)

Maria & I!

the boys

Last night we celebrated Fotis's 33rd birthday at W.  The whole team was there and as you can see there was a fiery cake :-).  We just hung out, had some finger foods and some drinks for a couple of hours and then headed home.  A lot of the other guys stayed out and went to Bozukia (sp?) and probably stayed out until like 7am.  Some of them didn't even make it to practice this morning and they are in big trouble.  It is becoming more and more apparent how young the team is.  I do not blame them for wanting to make the most out of their weekends.  They are juggling being professional athletes and the responsibility that goes along with that and being at the prime of their social lives.

We keep hearing more and more about Bozukia and how we HAVE to go.  Apparently it is a Greek party where you stay out all night with a live band and they do the traditional greek dances.  Men throw flowers at the women (I am sure there is some sort of hidden meaning here) and they used to break plates on the floor but that has been banned probably b/c of all the wasted plates!  You really have to be prepared to be in bed the entire next day, though, so we have yet to commit to that kind of weekend!  I am looking forward to seeing what it is like though.  I have been told that the first time I will be a little taken aback but then the more and more I go, the more and more I will enjoy it and participate.  Apparently some girls dance on the tables and on the stage.  Brian saw a glimpse of it when we first got here.  In the back of some of the bars they have the parties and Kate pulled him in to see one the first night he went out.  He said it was cool but nothing too crazy.  I think we have to experience it to the fullest, and I am sure we will soon, and I will tell you all about it!

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